Monday 24 March 2014

Evaluation question 5:

How did you attract/address your audience?

The four stereotypical characters in our film are represented as 'the princess', 'the nerd', 'the jock' and 'the weirdo' or in this case he is the killer. All these are conventional social groups seen in most teen films. This is one way to attract our audience who are teenagers and they can relate with at least one of the 4 characters. Also our story line attracts the audience this is because most teenagers around 13-18 go camping and they want to see that experience played by someone else especially in an horror. When we uploaded our rough cut, there were some improvement that we needed to do from our audience response. We needed to make the title sequence follow the conventions of a teen film and also we needed to make the story line more clear for the audience to understand.

Jack poster:

This is a poster that I crated using footage from our films. You can see that there is blood and eyeballs in a glass. This would represent death and foreshadow what might happen in the movie later on. The one liner for the film is "'re next" and I have chosen this because it suits in with our story line of the weirdo killing everyone one by one. We have used posters such as this to advertise our film. We would place these posters on buses, train stations, schools and colleges. This would attract a wide variety of our audience. Putting the posters up on buses and schools will attract from ages 15 and over because most teenagers travel to school by bus and will notice our posters or banners.. Also placing it in college and train stations will get the older teenagers that are aged 17 to 22. The posters on the train station will attract any young adults that maybe go to work or on their way to college.

Another way we have addressed our audience about our film is through social networks such a Facebook. This is where we release the trailers of our film and let the audience know when it will be released to keep them updated.

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