Sunday 16 March 2014

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

As a part of  question 5, I decided to do a small interview with a member of our target audience. She had just watched our opening two minutes of 'Jack' and she gave us some feedback on what she thought was successful and not so. Although it isn't very clear, Elizabeth 17, told us that she thought the  use of mobile phones as a way of communication between the group of friends played a key part in the opening sequence. I believe this is due to the fact that at one point in the opening, each of the four characters: Chloe (the princess), Katie (the nerd), Aaron (the jock) and Jack (the outsider), are seen using their mobile at least once, making the idea that this specific group of friends are just like any others. She told us that the sub genre of horror appealed to her as the ideas of death and murder are ones which she has particular interests in. She also told us that she thought our four main characters would appeal to our target audience (13-25 years old) as the characters were young themselves. 

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