Monday 13 January 2014

Shot by shot remake task

This week we  have been given the task to re-shoot the opening of the film The Breakfast Club. We will have to follow the shot types in terms of Close ups, Long shots,etc. We will have to be imaginative and creative with the way that we will recreate the opening.

In the opening of The Breakfast Club the location of where the film is set is introduced. There are several close ups used, for example the clock,the canteen and the lockers. There are also several long shots used, for example the hallway, the lockers and the hall. At 3:10 the characters get introduced. 'The Princess' arrives to school in a BMW and this is how we find out that she is the popular girl in the school. Then the nerd is introduced, he is represented as being the nerd by the way that he is dressed and because his mum tells him to "figure out a way to study". Then the athlete is introduced,  we know that he is the athlete because he wears a baseball jacket. The bully is introduced, and then the basket case. We know that she is the basket case because of the way that she is dressed.


The locations that are seen in the movie,are only the high school. The opening of the film is filmed in the school. It is filmed in the hallway,canteen,changing room and the library. 

Modes of transport:

The modes of transport used in the movie are cars. The princess arrives in a BMW. The nerd arrives in a family car. The athlete arrives in a 4 by 4. The bully arrives to school on foot. The basket case also arrives in a family car. 

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