Monday 27 January 2014

Sound exercise: Submarine

Today's lesson was about music and sound. The reason for learning about this was so that we can learn about copyright and how to use music legally. Copyright gives the creator of music legal rights to control who uses the product and how it is distributed. This is to ensure the creator/artist will get paid. For us to be able to use music legally in our own films, We have to use the website Creative Commons where you are able to download songs which other artists have created and shared on the internet. The Creative Commons website lets you search for specific types of music and then you are able to download these songs from Soundcloud, Jamendo and YouTube. 

During the lesson we were given the task to use Creative Commons to find music which we feel will complement the clip we were given. Firstly we had to find the song which we wanted to download and once downloaded we used Final Cut Pro on the mac's to edit our clip with the song. This is our finished clip.

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