Tuesday 4 February 2014

Planning Final Project: Evidence

Today we were putting our pitch together. During our pitch we had to include a brief outline of our movie,pictures of costumes and props and our own storyboard. When we first started doing our pitch we had a clear idea of an idea for a film we would like to do. But then when we talked to our teachers Mary and Dan we changed our idea completely. Our original idea was very complicated and there was a lot of action, then we decided to change our idea. Our teacher Dan showed us a couple of teen horror film trailers so that we can get inspiration from them. One of the teen horror films that he showed us was a film made by students in media from 2 years ago. What we saw from their film is that they had a very clear idea of what they wanted to achieve and they made a very clear plan and film schedule. In their film they used many different camera shots and angles and this inspired some of the shots that we have included in our storyboard. These are just two photos to show evidence of us creating our pitch.

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